Sunday, December 15, 2013


Well, it's been quite a year...  I know, it's not over yet, but this post came to me on a recent Saturday morning (yesterday...) as I was doing my morning exercise with several other crazy intrepid individuals who thought that an 8 a.m. pedal on the trainer was a good way to start the day.  So these thoughts will be about me, as usual, but also some other folks I've seen along the way to today.

But first, a favorite song; you can listen while you read:

Nothing quite like a mellow tune from the Scorpions to get you thinking.  But we were talking about changes, weren't we?  I'm honestly hesitant to write about this topic at any point, really,  because I don't think I ever know if I've ever really made a change, if that makes any sense.  Like, "hey, I've been at this less than a year, do I really know what I'm talking about?" kind of things.  Mostly this is due to my own fear of failure, if I'm honest, I guess, because who wants to say, "hey, look how much I've changed" and then a year later you're back to your old slacker self and looking like you did 25 pounds ago?  So yeah, this one's kind of tough.

But I know there have been at least some changes.  Most obvious would be the most recent, in which Dana and I have embraced a more vegan lifestyle/diet.  Dana has embraced it more than I; there have been a few meals (Thanksgiving, Nathan's birthday, and a couple breakfasts) that have included animal products on my plate.  But I can tell I'm doing much better!

I've also come to know and appreciate the "other" kinds of bicycling.  This may not seem like a huge deal to anyone else,  but I used to totally look down my nose at the MTB world.  Then Mike Clark and Chris Davison got me on a fat bike.  You've seen my posts about those...  I also bought myself a real mountain bike this summer.  I haven't written about that yet, but it's on the list.  It's partly worthy just because of the cool factor - it's a sweet-looking bike!

There are also many people in my life who have either been part of the changes, worked with me through the year, or have always just been there and are constants in my life.

The last category, of course, would include my wife Dana and our children, Nathan and Erin. "The wife" and I have been married for over 23 years now, and have known each other since the fall of 1986, when I started my intern teaching at her alma mater.  Her little brother was in the band, and her mom was the uniform lady; it was inevitable that I would meet the recently-graduated drum major of the EKHS band, and by the following January we were dating.  Next marching season will be our 28th since we met...

Sister Pam and brother Kevin have also been a big help through the years.  Pam and I have talked more the past three years than we did the first 46 I was on the Earth, and Kevin is probably my favorite riding partner.  And I would be remiss to not mention my other two, much less crazy, sisters, Brenda and Marcia.

BUT.  The reason this post started taking shape in my mind yesterday morning is thanks to two individuals I met only several short months ago.  Brad and Jenny White bought Velo City in March 2013.  As many of you know, I am NOT a fan of change in any form, and these two have been responsible for major upheaval in my life.  And I couldn't be happier!

Here's a list of the changes they perpetrated on the unsuspecting:
 - OK, first they bought the shop
 - then they rearranged the shop
 - then they moved the shop 
Can you BELIEVE these two??  I mean, seriously, don't they know how I can get?

And through it all they have been two of the most wonderful, caring, and thoughtful individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and working with.  Brad is a pro cyclist, riding for the UnitedHealthCare Pro Cycling team.  I don't know what you have heard about the attitude and demeanor of pro riders, but Brad completely destroyed any pre-conceived ideas that I had formed based on media accounts of the guys I followed.  He's totally cool.

Brad even spent a couple hours in July with my marching band leadership team as we prepared for the upcoming season.  I used bicycling as an example of how leadership works, and Brad came in and talked about riding as a team, working together, and bringing together multiple personalities and talents of team members from various backgrounds (and countries!).  It gave the kids an opportunity to hear from a professional athlete as well as reinforcing my ideas and thoughts on the subject.  Oh, and did I mention that he did this discussion two days after his wife gave birth to their third child?  I certainly would have understood if he'd canceled, but he jumped right in.

Speaking of his wife, if anyone is nicer and cooler than Brad, it would be Jenny.  Honestly, my own family doesn't ever seem as glad to see me as she does when I come into the shop.  A great mom to their kids as well as a great "runner of the business," Jenny makes it all happen with a smile on her face.

So what a cool experience it was for them to ask me to run the shop training session yesterday morning.  Brad is at a training camp in Arizona, enjoying the weather, so he needed a sub.  Watching Jenny move around the new shop and greet people with her usual warmth and enthusiasm, then jump on her bike and do the session with us, I was reminded about how much my life has changed this year.  I managed to survive the ride, even doing my best Coach Troy impression ("3, 2, 1, and soft pedal...  two minutes rest"), but noticed especially how much better my upper body felt as I got on my road bike for the first time in a month or more.  Another change!!

So now I look at the upcoming new year and wonder where it will take me.  Usually I figure it will be the "same old, same old," but I don't think it will be.  I'm almost half-way to my imagined goal of "50 by 50," in which I will be 50 pounds lighter than I was Jan. 1, 2013 by my 50th birthday July 31, 2014.  I made it through an entire marching band season without throwing a major fit at the band (it's because they listen better and do what they need to do more than because I am a more relaxed person, believe me...).  And for the first time in several years (10?), I will weigh less on Jan. 1 than I did the previous one.  Has to count for something, right?

So thank you to all who have been there this year, whether it's riding alongside me, encouraging me on my journey, putting up with my shit because you're part of my family, and especially to Brad and Jenny, who made change seem almost pleasant.  I was down another pound this morning, so that's 21 for the year.  Four more would be great, but I'll be happy to get through the holidays without going UP from here!

Merry Christmas!!

The Fat@$$

1 comment:

  1. I am honored to be included here. I always enjoy our conversations. So glad we are conversing more!

    I've said this before: When we FEEL good, we tend to want to "be" there. Sounds like you are laying a strong foundation - what you are doing fits with your design in so many ways. If you relapse, you'll not stay there for long because it won't feel the same as it once did. Don't fear "going back"! You can always return to your healthy place - with more confidence than ever before because any relapse is an INVESTMENT.

    Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah!!!! Can't help myself. I'll get my fix as soon as I see my clients today. They pay me to encourage them!

    Love you sooooo much!!! I love mushy.
