Thursday, October 31, 2013

November - a New Adventure Awaits...

HOLY CRAP!  I missed so many weeks I'll bet most of you forgot all about this, and now I'll have to build my impressive audience all over again from scratch (it's hard to find 14 regular readers...).

Anyway, I think I may have found part of the reason things go south in the fall and then require a New Year's resolution: school.  Apparently when things get busy in my "real life" I tend to come home and unwind rather than keep my energy level high by sucking it up, changing into the kit, and spinning for an hour or two.  Go figure...  

But seriously, the change in routine seems to bring with it a change in other things as well.  But as I have told my students when things are not going well that a reason eventually turns into an excuse.  As in, "boy, I'm really not sounding good today; must be my new mouthpiece" or something like that.  At what time do the reasons turn into something we just latch on to and don't let go?  I know there's a line there somewhere, dammit!  Pretty sure I've crossed it a time or three as well...

Anyway, some good news on the official tally front - lost about a pound somehow this month.  And believe me, based on the amount of food and fun I've had and the amount of exercise I haven't had, this miracle ranks right up there with the virgin birth.

Weight on January 1 - 226 lbs
Weight as of October 30 - 210.5 lbs
Net loss - 15.5 lbs
170 miles on the roads and trails in September; a whopping 29 in October :(
BUT - 1,817.5 miles since Jan 1.  Not bad...

And next week, as promised in the title of this post, begins a new adventure for the fat@$$.  Wife Dana has recently completed a 28-day "detox" - a month of whole foods, raw foods, vegan foods, and other fun stuff like that.  Well, they're doing another one for a pre-holiday session, so we BOTH signed up!  Dana lost more than 16 pounds last month, improved her migraine headaches, reduced stress and anxiety, and saw many other life benefits.  

It was a lot of work.  And I will refer you to one of my earlier posts from the year so you can remember that I don't like doing a lot of work.  So I made Dana promise to do all the work for me...  

The food she got to eat was very tasty and not at all what one might think of regarding a "detox."  Fresh vegetables, fruits, and many other wholesome goodies were on the plate, alongside nutritious shakes and supplements (though, admittedly, some of the shakes were not so tasty; she assures me I will have other choices).

So I will begin my journey with excitement and wonder on Sunday.  I went to the information meeting last week and sampled some of the liquid supplements and met the folks, both of which/whom were awesome.  I need a kick start to get back on track, Dana seems somewhat excited to help me out, and we do work pretty well together.  Erin is a little freaked out...  But we're doing it.  Wish me luck!

I'll try to post more regularly over the next several weeks to keep you updated.  

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