Sunday, April 27, 2014

Things are Looking Pretty Good So Far

I just uploaded my few rides for the week to my MapMyRide page, and April is looking pretty good - at least on the bike - so far.  Some oddly busy weeks have conspired against me, and of course the Michigan weather doesn't always cooperate, but I should be able to get 200 miles in for the month.  Which isn't necessarily a lot, until you figure:
       April 2010 - 201 miles
       April 2011 - 161 miles
       April 2012 - 44 miles (yep - but wait...)
       April 2013 - 29.  Not 290.  29.  Ah, I remember April of last year...  It was such a bummer I wrote a post about it.

So far in 2014 I have 755 miles on the bike.  By some standards that's not a lot, but I am on track for the 3,000 I had in 2010; maybe 3500.

Now about my food intake...  Yeah, it's been a month of celebrating, traveling a little, and eating a lot.  Spring break was spent by myself at home, but I went out for a few meals (and a few beers) with friends, ordered a non-vegan pizza (or two), and in general didn't really pay attention.  So I gained a few pounds, which you will possibly read about in my official monthly update, but I enjoyed myself and got in some good miles.  

I'm not going to beat myself up about it, but I did notice some old habits creeping back in.  Lots of unnecessary snacking, too much food in general, and far too many animal products.  And I can tell by the way my body feels.  It's telling me it's not as happy as it was the last few months.  (Frankly, I wish sometimes it would just shut up, but I guess I should listen.)  A friend on a group ride during break asked how I felt about gluten, for instance.  I told him that while I'm quite sure I don't have an allergy/sensitivity to it that I definitely feel better when I'm not consuming it.  There has also been some cheese involved.  And I'm not even a huge cheese fan.  So that's easy to let go of, and I know that, again, I'll feel better without it.

So there you go.  A short burst of blogging, to be sure, but I did do one earlier in the week, so I'm kind of overachieving here.  See you on the road!

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